China's Most Famous Swiftie Fan Zhendong Takes Table Tennis Gold

China's Most Famous Swiftie Fan Zhendong Takes Table Tennis Gold
中国最出名的霉粉 乒乓球手樊振东首夺奥运金牌
中国最出名的霉粉 乒乓球手樊振东首夺奥运金牌
China's Most Famous Swiftie Fan Zhendong Takes Table Tennis Gold
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Simplified Traditional
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忠实 - zhōngshí - faithful
自我 - zìwǒ - self- / ego (psychology)
疗愈 - liáoyù - to heal / therapy
能量 - néngliàng - energy / capabilities
光芒 - guāngmáng - rays of light / brilliant rays / radiance
不成 - bùchéng - won't do / unable to
时机 - shíjī - fortunate timing / occasion / opportunity
反扑 - fǎnpū - to counter-attack / to come back after a defeat / to retrieve lost ground
争夺 - zhēngduó - to fight over / to contest / to vie over
扳回 - bānhuí - to pull back / to regain (one's dignity etc.) / to recover from (an adverse situation) / to turn the tables
险胜 - xiǎnshèng - to win by a narrow margin / to barely win / narrow victory
脱离 - tuōlí - to separate oneself from / to break away from
崇拜 - chóngbài - to worship / adoration
打败 - dǎbài - to defeat / to overpower / to beat / to be defeated
选手 - xuǎnshǒu - athlete / contestant
知晓 - zhīxiǎo - to know / to understand
拼贴 - pīntiē - pastiche / collage
夺冠 - duóguàn - to seize the crown, / ig. to win a championship / to win gold medal
归因 - guīyīn - to attribute
大满贯 - dàmǎnguàn - grand slam
饱受 - bǎoshòu - to endure / to suffer / to be subjected to
非议 - fēiyì - to criticise
使命 - shǐmìng - mission (diplomatic or other) / set task
...即可 - Expressing "can then (do sth) / can immediately (do sth)" with "...jí​kě" (equivalent to 就可以)

即便… - Expressing "even if / even though…" with "jíbiàn…"

据悉… - Expressing "according to reports / it is reported (that)…" with "jùxī…"

Subject + 一度 + Verb / Verbal Phrase - Expressing "for a time / at one time…" with "Subject + yīdù + Verb / Verbal Phrase" (doing something in a period of time that has passed)
...即可 - Expressing "can then (do sth) / can immediately (do sth)" with "...jí​kě" (equivalent to 就可以)

即便… - Expressing "even if / even though…" with "jíbiàn…"

據悉… - Expressing "according to reports / it is reported (that)…" with "jùxī…"

Subject + 一度 + Verb / Verbal Phrase - Expressing "for a time / at one time…" with "Subject + yīdù + Verb / Verbal Phrase" (doing something in a period of time that has passed)
Proper Nouns
霉粉 - Méifěn - Swiftie (fandom of American singer-songwriter Taylor Swift)
樊振东 - Fán Zhèndōng - Fan Zhendong (Chinese table tennis player)
泰勒·斯威夫特 - Tàilè · Sīwēifūtè - Taylor Swift (US singer-songwriter)
特鲁斯·莫雷加德 - Tèlǔsī · Mòléijiādé - Truls Möregårdh (Swedish table tennis player)
菲利克斯·勒布伦 - Fēilìkèsī · Lèbùlún - Félix Lebrun (French table tennis player)
世界乒乓球职业大联盟 - Shìjiè Pīngpāngqiú Zhíyè Dà Liánméng - World Table Tennis

家喻户晓 - jiāyùhùxiǎo - understood by everyone / well known / a household name
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