Shanghai's 'Habitat Gardens' Project Brings Nature to City Life

Shanghai's 'Habitat Gardens' Project Brings Nature to City Life
Shanghai's 'Habitat Gardens' Project Brings Nature to City Life
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Simplified Traditional
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生境 - shēngjìng - habitat
自然 - zìrán - nature / natural / naturally
生活 - shēnghuó - to live / life / activity / livelihood
消息 - xiāoxi - news / information
座 - zuò - measure word for buildings / mountains and similar immovable objects
重视 - zhòngshì - to attach importance to sth / to value
转型 - zhuǎnxíng - transformation / to transform
立法 - lìfǎ - to enact laws / to legislate / legislation
促进 - cùjìn - to promote (an idea or cause) / to advance / boost
条例 - tiáolì - regulations / rules / code of conduct / ordinances / statutes
改造 - gǎizào - to transform / to reform / to remodel / to remould
提出 - tíchū - to raise (an issue) / to propose / to put forward / to suggest
发展 - fāzhǎn - development / growth / to develop / to grow / to expand
改革 - gǎigé - reform / to reform
委员会 - wěiyuánhuì - committee
主任 - zhǔrèn - director / head
植物 - zhíwù - botanical / plant / vegetation
平方米 - píngfāngmǐ - square meter
蝶恋花 - diéliànhuā - butterflies in love with flowers
溪 - xī - creek / rivulet
保育 - bǎoyù - childcare / conservation (of the environment etc.)
包括 - bāokuò - to comprise / to include / to involve / to incorporate / to consist of
景点 - jǐngdiǎn - scenic spot / place of interest (tourism)
邀请 - yāoqǐng - to invite / invitation
商量 - shāngliang - to consult / to talk over / to discuss
年龄 - niánlíng - (a person's) age
想法 - xiǎngfǎ - idea / notion / train of thought / what sb is thinking / to think of a way (to do sth)
绿化 - lǜhuà - to make green with plants / to reforest
率 - lǜ - rate / frequency
大自然 - dàzìrán - nature (the natural world)
将… - Expression introduces the object of the main verb with "jiāng" (used in the same way as 把)

通过 + Agent / Method - Expressing "by means of / via (a certain process) with "tōngguò + Agent / Method" (figurative meaning of passing through a process to reach a desired outcome)
该区的发展和改革委员会主任叶鹏举(Ye Pengju)表示,通过这种办法,可以让更多不同的植物和动物在城市里活下来。

Verb + 而… - Expression connects a verb with words or phrases indicating aim, cause, basis or manner etc. with "Verb + ér..."

该 + Noun / Noun Phrase - Expressing "the above mentioned…" with "gāi + Noun / Noun Phrase" (refers to the previously introduced subject)
该区的发展和改革委员会主任叶鹏举(Ye Pengju)表示,通过这种办法,可以让更多不同的植物和动物在城市里活下来。

Verb + 下(来) - Expressed after verbs to indicate "continuation from the past towards the present / continuation over a period of time" with "Verb + xiàlai"
该区的发展和改革委员会主任叶鹏举(Ye Pengju)表示,通过这种办法,可以让更多不同的植物和动物在城市里活下来。

Group + 其中 - Expressing "within (it / them)..." with "Group + qízhōng..."

其 + Noun - Expressing a formal his, her or it's with "qí + Noun"

Word + 之 + Noun / Adj. - Expressing a possessive particle with "Word + zhī + Noun / Adj." (literary equivalent of 的)

Verb + 出(来) - Expressed after a verb to indicate completion of an action for "to come up with" or "to come into being" with "Verb + chu(lai)"

无论 / 不论…,(都 / 也…) - Expressing a more formal "no matter (who / what / how)..." with "wúlùn / bùlùn..." (都 / 也 can be used in the second part to indicate the statement will not change)

Adj. + 达 + Number - Expressing "to reach (up to) / to attain (a certain figure)" with "Adj. + dá + Number"
將… - Expression introduces the object of the main verb with "jiāng" (used in the same way as 把)

通過 + Agent / Method - Expressing "by means of / via (a certain process) with "tōngguò + Agent / Method" (figurative meaning of passing through a process to reach a desired outcome)
該區的發展和改革委員會主任葉鵬舉(Ye Pengju)表示,通過這種辦法,可以讓更多不同的植物和動物在城市里活下來。

Verb + 而… - Expression connects a verb with words or phrases indicating aim, cause, basis or manner etc. with "Verb + ér..."

該 + Noun / Noun Phrase - Expressing "the above mentioned…" with "gāi + Noun / Noun Phrase" (refers to the previously introduced subject)
該區的發展和改革委員會主任葉鵬舉(Ye Pengju)表示,通過這種辦法,可以讓更多不同的植物和動物在城市里活下來。

Verb + 下(來) - Expressed after verbs to indicate "continuation from the past towards the present / continuation over a period of time" with "Verb + xiàlai"
該區的發展和改革委員會主任葉鵬舉(Ye Pengju)表示,通過這種辦法,可以讓更多不同的植物和動物在城市里活下來。

Group + 其中 - Expressing "within (it / them)..." with "Group + qízhōng..."

其 + Noun - Expressing a formal his, her or it's with "qí + Noun"

Word + 之 + Noun / Adj. - Expressing a possessive particle with "Word + zhī + Noun / Adj." (literary equivalent of 的)

Verb + 出(來) - Expressed after a verb to indicate completion of an action for "to come up with" or "to come into being" with "Verb + chu(lai)"

無論 / 不論…,(都 / 也…) - Expressing a more formal "no matter (who / what / how)..." with "wúlùn / bùlùn..." (都 / 也 can be used in the second part to indicate the statement will not change)

Adj. + 達 + Number - Expressing "to reach (up to) / to attain (a certain figure)" with "Adj. + dá + Number"
Proper Nouns
长宁区 - Chángníng qū - Changning district (Shanghai)
乐颐生境花园 - Lèyí Shēngjìng Huāyuán - Leyi Habitat Garden (Changning district, Shanghai)


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